
Publications Under Review

  1. Hegde, A. V., Resor, J., Dixon, J. B., Méndez, L. I., Lee, T. D., McMillan, V. J., Goodell, L. S., & Stage, V.C. (submitted). North Carolina Head Start teachers’ needs, resources, experiences, and priority for science education and professional development. Under Review.

  2. Dixon, J., Resor, J., Holmes, L., Hegde, A., Goodell, L.S., Mendez, L., McMillan, V., Stage, V.C. (submitted) Understanding and Building Professional Learning Communities in Head Start: A Mixed Methods Study on What it Takes from Teachers' Perspectives. Under Review.

  3. Lee, T., Dixon, J., Stage, V. Hegde, A., McMillan, V. J., Goodell, L. S. & Mendez, L. (2023). Observing Pill Bugs to Develop Phenomena Based Professional Development for Pre-School Teachers. Under Review.


  1. Stage, V.C., Resor, J., Dixon, J., Hegde, A.V., Mendez, L., Lee, T., Brienholdt, R.*, Goodell, L.S., McMillen, V.J., Gilliam, E.M. (2023). More PEAS Please! Teaching Teachers How to Integrate Food-based Learning into Preschool Science. Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2023.02.005 PubMed

  2. Dixon, J., Hegde, A.V., Goodell, L.S., Arnold, N., Swindle, T., Dev, D., Mendez, L., McMillan, V., Lee, T., & Stage, V.C.. (2023). Integration of Food-based Learning with Science in the Preschool Classroom: Implementation Gaps and Opportunities. Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2023.01.002 PubMed

  3. Méndez, L., Hegde, A.V., Lee, T., McMillan, V.J., Goodell, L.S., Bayles, J., & Stage, V.C. (2023). Let’s Talk: Linking Science and Language Learning in the Preschool Classroom. Young Children, 78(2), 66-72. PMID: 37605783 PubMed

  4. Bayles, J.*, Peterson, A., Hedge, A., Jilcott Pitts, S., & Stage, V.C. (2021) Food-based Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Learning Activities May Reduce Decline in Preschoolers’ Skin Carotenoids Status Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior. In Press. DOI: PubMe

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